
Your generous donations make it possible for us to serve our community. We accept direct donations through PayPal and we are registered as a charity with the AmazonSmile program. Amazon will donate .05% of the price from every eligible purchase if you select the Detroit Free Legal Aid Clinic, Inc. as your preferred charity. More information can be obtained by following the links below. Thank you for your support!

Donate By Mail

Mail your donation to:

The Free Legal Aid Clinic

5425 Woodward Ave.

Detroit, MI 48202

Donate Securely Through PayPal

  • Follow the link provided

  • Select the donation amount

  • Sign-in to PayPal

  • Complete the transaction

Donate While Shopping at Amazon

AmazonSmile is a great way to shop online using your Amazon account while contributing to a good cause.

1. Go to;

2. Sign in with your Amazon username and password;

3. Search “Free Legal Aid Clinic Detroit”;

4. Select “Free Legal Aid Clinic, Inc”;

5. Shop and checkout as you normally would.

Buy FLAC Apparel

FLAC apparel is available for purchase upon request!

Please contact for more information.